Who are we?

Independent marketing and opinion research institute

First created over 45 years ago with a focus on quantitative and qualitative studies leading to the development of a recognized know-how, Cyble Marketing has over time added further elements  of realization and operational implementation.

The Artis Group

We can conduct in-depth research throughout Europe (correspondents in Great Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain) as well as in South and Central America, Africa and Asia, while relying on the ARTIS network of market research firms that work on international customer knowledge and market strategies. 

Businesstart and Sparkling Blue

In 2017, Cyble Marketing joined BusinessStart and Sparkling Blue, 2 structures that contribute to the evolution of the economic fabric by implementing new innovative and forward-looking activities (CSR). Cyble Marketing constitutes the marketing expertise hub of the group.

Our Team

General Manager

Director of Operations


Senior Project Manager


Web Developer