Legal information

Terms of use of the site

The website is intended for the personal information of Internet users who consult it. Access to and use of this site are subject to the present general conditions detailed below as well as to the applicable laws. Connection and access to the site imply full and unreserved acceptance by the Internet user of all the provisions of these general conditions. This site is the property of the Company CYBLE MARKETING Limited liability company with a capital of €34,000 whose registered office is 38, Rue Martre 92110 CLICHY, registered with the Trade and Companies Register of NANTERRE under the number RCS Nanterre 829 313 238. Contact: info(at)

Restricted license

Under the Terms, we grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to access, use and download to your hard drive this Site and the information contained herein. You agree not to interfere or attempt to interfere in any way with the operation of this site. We authorize you to view and download the information (“Data”) contained on this website (“Site”) solely for your own business use, and not for any commercial use. Such permission shall not be construed as a transfer of ownership of the Data and copies thereof and is subject to the following restrictions:

You must retain on each copy of the downloaded Data all copyright and other ownership notices contained in the Data;

You may not modify the Data in any way or reproduce, publicly display, perform, distribute or otherwise use the Data for any public or commercial purpose;

and you shall not transmit the Data to any other person except to obtain their acceptance of the obligations contained in these Terms of Use;

you agree to observe any additional restrictions that may be posted on the Site as it is updated from time to time;

the Site, including the Data contained therein, is protected by worldwide copyright law and by the provisions of international treaties relating to literary and artistic property. You agree to comply with copyright laws in your use of the Site and to prevent any unauthorized copying of the Data. We do not grant you any express or implied copyright, patent, trademark or trade secret information rights.

Intellectual property rights

CYBLE MARKETING informs the users of this site that the elements of this site:

  • are protected by copyright legislation: this may particularly apply to photographs, articles, drawings, animated sequences, and so on.
  • and/or are protected by the legislation on drawings and models: this particularly applies to the methodologies presented on the site
  • are protected by the legislation on trademarks, in particular the CYBLE MARKETING and CYBLE trademarks.

The elements thus protected are the property of CYBLE MARKETING or of third parties who have authorized CYBLE MARKETING to use them. As such, any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, marketing, partial or whole by any process and in any form whatsoever (paper, digital, etc.) are prohibited, without prior written authorization from CYBLE MARKETING, except for the exceptions mentioned in   article L 122.5 of the Intellectual Property Code, on pain of constituting an offence of counterfeit of copyright and/or drawings and models and/or trademarks, punishable by two years of imprisonment and a fine of €152,449.

Information about the services

The services presented on this site are those which can be offered by CYBLE MARKETING. The collaborators of CYBLE MARKETING are at your disposal to answer all your questions concerning the products and services presented on this site. In any event, the information contained on this site is information of a general nature and does not have contractual value. Only the signature of an order form or the signature of proposals of intervention with CYBLE MARKETING authorize the effective sale of the services. Protection of personal data. Consultation of the site is possible without having to reveal your identity or any other information of a personal nature concerning you. Concerning information of a personal nature that you would need to communicate to us, you have the right to access and correct it in accordance with the French Data-processing and Freedom Law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978. You can exercise this right by contacting the Company CYBLE MARKETING, 38 rue MARTRE 92110 CLICHY or by email: info[at] The collection of this information is necessary to answer your requests for information and to make an appointment. In order to offer you products and services that are increasingly adapted to your needs, certain non-personal information relating to your activity on this site may be collected. This information is intended for CYBLE MARKETING and could also be used within the framework of commercial or marketing operations or be used as a basis for studies and analyses.

Only Cyble Marketing has access to your personal data. In accordance with the “Data-processing and Freedom Law” (law no.78-17 of January 6, 1978), we guarantee the confidentiality of this information.

We therefore undertake, in accordance with Articles 34 and 35 of the Act of January 6, 1978 amended relating to data, files and freedoms and Articles 32 to 35 of the General Regulation on Data Protection of April 27, 2016, to protect the confidentiality of information provided.

Hypertext links

The installation of a hypertext link to the website requires prior written authorization from CYBLE MARKETING. In any event, CYBLE MARKETING cannot be held responsible for the content as well as the products or services offered on the sites to which the site could be linked by hypertext links or any other type of link.

Limitation of liability

You use the site under your full and sole liability. CYBLE MARKETING cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect harm, such as, in particular, material damage, loss of data or program, financial damage, resulting from the use of this site or of sites which are linked to it. We draw your attention to the fact that certain products or services presented on the site may be subject to specific regulations or even restrictions and/or bans in certain countries. You must therefore ensure that the law of the country from which you are connecting authorizes the consultation of the site

Retention of title clause

The transfer of ownership of the studies carried out is subject to payment of the price by the customer. The payment will be considered made when the price is actually received by CYBLE MARKETING.

Default of payment

CYBLE MARKETING reserves the right to refuse to carry out a delivery or to honor an order emanating from a customer who has not fully paid for a preceding order or with whom payment litigation is proceeding.

Applicable law

The website and these general conditions are subject to French law and written in French.


CYBLE MARKETING reserves the right to modify and update, without notice, these General Conditions and all the elements, products or services presented on the Site. All these modifications are binding on Internet users who must consult these General Conditions every time they connect to the site.


English translation by Laetitia ROUQUETTE , SASU MORE THAN WORDS