Business Canvas
This is a strategic thinking tool to select, from the value proposition, the options related to marketing (customer relations) and production (manufacturing and partnerships), according to the resulting financial flows.

How does it work?
1. Offer (value proposition)
– What is the value proposition for customers?
– What concrete solutions does the offer bring to customers?
– What solutions does the offer bring to each customer segment?
– How does the offer respond to concrete customer needs?

3. Customer relations
- What type of relationship does each customer segment expect from the company?
- List the types of customer relationships.
- How does the customer relationship fit into the rest of the business model?
- What is the cost?
2. Distribution channels
- Through which distribution channels do we want to reach the various customer segments?
- How do the various channels fit together?
- What is the preferred channel?
- Which channels are best suited to customer habits?

3. Relation client
- What type of relationship does each customer segment expect from the company?
- List the types of customer relationships.
- How does the customer relationship fit into the rest of the business model?
- What is the cost?

4. Customer Segments
- What are the target customer segments ?
- For whom are we creating value?
2. Distribution channels
- Through which distribution channels do we want to reach the various customer segments?
- How do the various channels fit together?
- What is the preferred channel?
- Which channels are best suited to customer habits?
3. Customer relations
- What type of relationship does each customer segment expect from the company?
- List the types of customer relationships.
- How does the customer relationship fit into the rest of the business model?
- What is the cost?
4. Customer Segments
- What are the target customer segments ?
- For whom are we creating value?

6. Key resources
- What key resources are required to produce the offer?
- What resources are needed according to the chosen distribution channels, and the intended type of customer relationship?
5. Key activities
- What are the key activities needed to produce the offer?
(logistics, marketing, production, etc.) - What is the link with the distribution channels?
- What is the link with the customer relationship?
- What is the cost, and for which sources of revenue?

6. Key resources
- What key resources are required to produce the offer?
- What resources are needed according to the chosen distribution channels, and the intended type of customer relationship?

7. Key partners
- Who are your key partners?
- Who are your key suppliers?
- What are the key resources your partners offer?
- What resources do your partners excel in?
5. Key activities
- What are the key activities needed to produce the offer?
(logistics, marketing, production, etc.) - What is the link with the distribution channels?
- What is the link with the customer relationship?
- What is the cost, and for which sources of revenue?
6. Key resources
- What key resources are required to produce the offer?
- What resources are needed according to the chosen distribution channels, and the intended type of customer relationship?
7. Key partners
- Who are your key partners?
- Who are your key suppliers?
- What are the key resources your partners offer?
- What resources do your partners excel in?
8. Cost structure
- What are the largest costs (expenses) generated by the business model?
- Which key resources are the most expensive?
- What are the most expensive key activities?

9. Sources of income
- What value proposition are consumers willing to pay for?
- How much are they willing to pay?
- What is consumers’ preferred method of payment?
- What is the share of each revenue source in total revenue?