A citizen and solidarity bank card?

The new Sylha project offers an alternative to the classic Visa bank card. It is a new means of contactless payment materialized by a coin connected to a secure electronic wallet. This French startup would make sure that these transaction fees (4 billion euros) would be donated to associations. This would allow users to support and participate in local projects (the choice of projects being made from the mobile application).

This is a low-cost product and service where everyone has the choice to participate without too much effort to rebalance our society economically, reducing wealth inequalities automatically. To change the economy, Sylha creates a new virtual economic place, with new payment tools where money is at the service of people and the environment.

In a more traditional register, a Belgian cooperative called NewB has designed a responsible and ecological payment card (the Good Pay card). This card is made from biodegradable materials and does not allow for payment on credit. In addition, for each transaction made, 5 cents are donated to a good cause.